发布日期:2024-06-19 00:51    点击次数:98



The global gaming industry has witnessed a steady growth over the last few years. Among the different genres, electronic sports or better known as esports have become increasingly popular led by the rise of competitive gaming. Esports games are no longer just limited to hardcore gamers but have entered the mainstream with growing popularity among casual gamers as well. This has led to a rapid increase in esports game consumption over the years with many players spending more than what was initially expected. This article aims to explore the research conducted on esports game consumption and shed light on the reasons for its growth and current market trends.

Research Findings

According to a report by Newzoo, the global esports market is expected to generate $1.1 billion in revenues in 2020, which is a 15% increase from 2019. The report also states that esports audiences will reach 495 million globally in 2020, which is an increase of approximately 11% compared to 2019. A survey conducted by Limelight Networks found that 57% of gamers globally have watched or participated in esports events. The survey also showed that 66% of gamers believe that esports will become as popular as traditional sports in the near future. It is clear that the esports industry is growing at a rapid pace and has become a significant contributor to the global gaming industry.

Reasons for the Growth in Esports Game Consumption

A few reasons have attributed to the increase in esports consumption, including the ease of accessibility to gaming technology, the widespread availability of high-speed internet, and the rise of streaming platforms. Esports games can be played on a variety of devices such as mobile phones and laptops, which has increased accessibility for many people globally. The widespread availability of high-speed internet has made it easier for gamers to connect and compete with each other, leading to a rise in competitive gaming. The popularity of streaming platforms has also played a significant role, with platforms such as Twitch and YouTube providing gamers with a platform to showcase their skills and connect with audiences.

Current Market Trends

The esports industry has become attractive to advertisers and sponsors due to its large audience base. Brands are beginning to invest heavily in esports marketing, with sectors such as technology, food and beverage, and sports apparel all currently active in the scene. Esports tournaments have also increased in number and size, with top prize pools often running into millions of dollars. According to Statista, the prize pool for The International, a popular esports tournament, reached a staggering $34.3 million in 2019. The esports industry has not only become a significant contributor to the gaming industry but also to the entertainment industry as a whole.


Esports game consumption is growing at a rapid pace, with players spending more than initially expected, leading to billions of dollars in revenue for the industry. The rise of competitive gaming, ease of accessibility, and popularity of streaming platforms have all played a part in the growth of the industry. The esports industry has become more than just a subculture; it has become a significant contributor to the global gaming and entertainment industry.

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